Helicopter Training

Type Rating Instructor

Type Rating Instructor (Single Pilot and Multi Pilot) on EC135 (CAA/EASA) and Bell 429 (CAA).  Multi-Crew Co-operation Instructor (MCCI).  Able to deliver effective learning in the classroom, the simulator and on the aircraft.  Over 1000 hrs of instruction in Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTD) and live aircraft training.

Ground school development

Award-winning in the development of integrated ground school packages for aircraft types and skills (for example IFR). Consistent easy to use style with easy to circulate notes and simple to maintain content.  Made without excessive unnecessary animation making it easy to use for a wide cadre of instructors.  In depth knowledge of the aircraft generated with excellent basis for corporate knowledge of the aircraft and its systems.

Regulatory advice

I am highly skilled at providing advice on complex licencing and operational issues.  Having operated in the military and successfully transitioned to civilian licences and trained others to do so, I can quickly find definitive answers to difficult questions.  I have successfully advised pilots on achieving exactly the licence they need in the most efficient and useful way such that they can hit the ground running in the civilian job market.